Saturday, May 19, 2012

Life in the Twitterverse...

Just reading some of the responses to my tweets, I must say I am HIGHLY entertained!!!! Somebody asked me if I even knew who Joe Ricketts was, um let's see....TD Waterhouse, family owns the Cubs, wants taxpayers to fund renovations to Wrigley Field, oh and had a plan to dredge up Jeremiah Wright to smear the president.....I THINK I KNOW WHAT I NEED TO!!!

One of my favorites though, is still, the conservative who called me an asshole for slagging on Ted Nugent. Just for the record, I didn't always dislike Ted Nugent. I actually once saw him in concert and enjoyed it. That was before he felt the need to ram his politics down everybodies throats, and spout his paranoid NRA conspiracy theories about how Clinton...Obama or whomever were trying to take your guns away. Like Rachel Maddow said, and forgive me if I get the quote a little wrong, "You can tell President Obama is going to take your guns away by the way he's NOT TAKING YOUR GUNS AWAY!!!!". Anyway, I digress, I have grown up in Michigan and heard  Ted Nugent's B.S. for years. I remember going to see KISS and Ted was the opener, yes Ted cannot even carry a show in Detroit anymore!!! I walked out and went to the concourse for a beer till KISS came on! But one question remains to me, why is little happening to Ted Nugent, yet The DIXIE CHICKS are now pariahs?????

Anyway, I'll leave this for now....starting to ramble.

Jerri Allen
aka "LiBeRaL fReAk"