Sunday, September 6, 2015

Freedom of religion MY ASS!!!!!

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." What that means to me is that everyone has the right to practice their CHOSEN religion, even if that mean no religion at all. What that also means to me is that government is not to respect any ONE religion over the other, religion has no place in ANY governmental decisions. I hear a lot of talk about Kentucky clerk Kim Davis and her religious rights, lets get one thing clear. When you take a government job YOU NEED TO LEAVE YOUR RELIGION AT THE DOOR before you go to work. If you don't then you let you religion cloud your workplace decisions and the ability to do your job. Which is EXACTLY what is happening in Kentucky!!!! This country was founded on religious liberty and people escaping religious persecution. Kim Davis is NOT being persecuted for her beliefs!!! She is using her beliefs to persecute other people!!!!! By telling people she cannot grant them a marriage license because of HER beliefs, she is persecuting them!!!!! She is forcing HER beliefs on them, and denying them a constitutional right!!! People like Kim Davis are flat out WRONG!!!! Christians like these people are why I stopped going to church in the first place! But then again I'm sure Kim believes that letting two men marry violates the sanctity or her FOURTH marriage!!!! Jerri Allen aka "LiBeRaL fReAk"

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Stream of.....

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, just haven't been feeling it lately. So, I just felt like posting a random thoughts goes.... If Scott Walker is the best the GOP has to offer right now, then the future looks very bright for Democrats! He most likely wouldn't even carry his own state!!!! Love how President Obama is handling most things....setting the agenda and forcing the GOP to oppose programs that favor everyday people, yeah I think that majority in the Senate will be short lived!!! Loretta Lynch, highly qualified.....but I'm not a fan!!! Why does John McCain ALWAYS want to go to war at the drop of a hat? And don't even get me started about his puppy Lindsey Graham!!!! Vaccination is an issue now? Really??? Thanks a lot to Faux News and idiots like Michele Bachmann and Jenny McCarthy!!! Sarah Palin and Donald Trump are MORONS!!!!! Just in case you forgot! Brian Williams lying about being shot down is incredibly stupid, it minimizes what people who have actually gone through being shot down. That being said, all this outrage is a little much, I mean Faux News has been lying about things for years and look at them!!! Normalizing relations with Cuba makes sense...NOW BRING ON THE CIGARS!!!! Not a fan of the TPP...NAFTA on steroids!!!! Keystone XL sucks!!!!! and finally... ISIS CAN FUCK OFF AND DIE!!!!! Jerri Allen "LiBeRaL fReAk"

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Religion and lack thereof....

Hey there, took some time off, but am back now for more!!! I have been over the past few days trying to process the attacks on the office of "Charlie Hedbo," Bill Maher, and religion in general. Let me say that I despise religious extremism on ALL fronts, suicide bombings, plane hijackings, abortion clinic vandalism and harassment, the list goes on.... I HATE it all!!!! Christopher Hitchens said in his book GOD IS NOT GREAT, that religion poisons was even in the title! Bill Maher has recently said ALL religion is "stupid and dangerous." While I don't go FULL Maher on this, I do agree with the sentiment about religion. GOP lawmakers, and some Dems, oppose certain things because of their religious beliefs (abortion, marriage equality, science). Similarly, terrorist activities are being carried out in the name of twisted interpretations of faith. Back when I was young when I heard that somebody was a Christian, I thought they were basically a nice person who didn't swear, and listened to shitty music. and watched dumb TV shows. Now saying that brings up a whole different reaction, it makes me think of someone who is homophobic, judgmental, and just generally not very nice at all!!!! Religion can be an ok thing but these people have clearly, lost their way in that regard. Same with people of the Middle Eastern faiths, basically decent people who don't wish harm on anyone. Like Christians, their faith is most often represented by extremist, ignorant assholes!!! This all has led me to the conclusion to take a break from all religion for the time being. Nobody's faith is more important than any other's, we need to get back to that before I will step back into any house of worship. You NEVER see any acts of terror by atheists!!!!! And my personal message to those MORONS who carried out and support the attacks in France, if your faith is threatened that much by satirists then your faith is pretty worthless!!!! JERRI ALLEN aka "LiBeRaL fReAk"

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Happy Holidays

Seems like a boring title huh? Not to me, considering a lot of my friends on social media seem to have an absolute fit if somebody uses those words! I can't tell you how many posts I have seen with wording such as "IT'S MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ME...LIKE AND SHARE IF YOU AGREE!" It's like they've all been possessed by the Faux News "War on Christmas" Jedi mind trick or something. It cracks me up that people are so indignant about it as well, like if you don't call it Christmas you are a bad person or something. As we all know every year, without fail, Faux News gins up this phony "War on Christmas." This year we even saw an escalation from pseudo Christians. Christian mega-star Kirk Cameron put out a faith based piece of crap called "Saving Christmas" Got news for ya Kirky, and all you dipshits like him. Christmas is not going anywhere!!!! Do they all seriously believe this crap or are they just trying to score points with their creator??? Kind of isn't fair that we can't see "The Interview" but Kirk Cameron's festering pile of shit is available to the whole world!!!! But I thought about all this, and to me it's VERY insulting to non-Christians. Basically Christians are saying "If you don't celebrate and conform to OUR faith you are a bad person, and we don't really care about non-Christians and their opinions. To me saying "Happy Holidays" is trying to respect people of ALL faiths (or none at all), including Christians!!!! Because after all, not every group celebrates the same holiday this time of year, no matter how much pseudo-Christians wanna ram things down our throat! Call it what you want and celebrate it how you want...even if you don't celebrate at all!!!! Jerri Allen "LiBeRaL fReAk"

Sunday, December 7, 2014


To quote the FORMERLY funny comedian turned right right-wing gasbag Dennis Miller..."I don't mean to get off on a rant here." But I am sick and tired of a lot of liberals think we have to stay above the fray and not engage in the same tactics those on the right use...lies, mudslinging, etc. I think sometimes liberals don't want to fight fire with fire and as they see it, stoop to the right's level. To HELL with that! Yeah we all know the righties are full of it....but we need to fight them where they are at!!!! I'm tired of wimpy liberals thinking they're better than that. NEWS FLASH...YOU'RE NOT!!!! These people are kicking our teeth in in the court of public opinion for some reason, they lie and they keep repeating it until enough people believe it. I'm not saying us liberals should lie, but we can't be afraid to get our hands dirty and throw the mud right back at them! Liberals as a whole need to not have this elitist, above the fray mentality. Like when Bill Maher criticized the Islamic faith, the liberal community was up in arms about it...WHY????? Bill Maher wasn't singling out that particular faith, Bill Maher bags on ALL religion, but somehow it's seen as being more wrong in that case. Liberals don't seem to mind when he pokes holes in Christianity, as Michael Moore so brilliantly pointed out. If a conservative says to a liberal "Fuck you!!!" we shouldn't cower at that, the correct response is "NO FUCK YOU!!!!! I'm not saying liberals have to stop eating granola, being vegans, smoking pot, etc. Just don't be afraid to punch back twice as hard. As Sean Connery said in THE UNTOUCHABLES "He pulls a knife, you pull a gun, he sends one of your guys to the hospital, YOU SEND ONE OF HIS TO THE MORGUE!!!!" Jerri Allen "LiBeRaL fReAk"

Sunday, November 30, 2014 own personal aftermath.

You know, when you have a dying relative who has been sick for a long time? You know they are going to die so you think you are prepared? But them when their death happens you still have a feeling of great loss and helplessness? Thant's kind of how I felt when the Grand (in name only) Jury decided not to indict Officer Darrin Wilson. We all knew this would come, and the rioting that followed should be NO surprise considering how that fire was stoked for days. Yet I still feel that sense of hopelessness, like I did watching the LA Riots in 1992. For one thing, it's obvious that we haven't learned a damn thing since then. It's obvious that a black male is STILL perceived as a threat, and it's also obvious why young black men in particular still view police as a threat rather than a protector. Personally I had to delete a very big number of friends from my Facebook page for posting inaccurate or just plain ignorant statements about the decision. And to those people who used that Grand Jury report as their so called proof, remember that this is the same Grand Jury who were initially handed wrong information about the law and the use of force by police officers. Or that one juror's (juror 10) opinion was valued more than any other mostly because he agreed with Officer Wilson's account. Event though that juror had no real idea how far away he was from the scene, since his account varied. I won't even get into the idiotic comments by former NYC Mayor "Rotten Rudy" or dumbass congressman Peter King (R-NY). In the days after Ferguson a young black man or should I say child considering he was ONLY 12 was shot dead by Cleveland police, while being in possession of a pellet gun. What will that investigation turn up? I'm not optimistic, and I'm sure lots of others aren't either!!!! Jerri Allen "LiBeRaL fReAk"

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Thankful for what?

Sorry if what I'm about to say may seem a bit cynical. Thanksgiving is this week, a holiday thatis origins are highly suspect...but it does meet my holidays standard in one respect, I don't have to work! That being said, I started to think of what I am thankful for....not too much. I'm not thankful for our system of government right now, which doesn't seem to be in the business of problem solving but rather just stopping our DULY elected President from doing his job in whatever way he tries to do. And to piggyback that, I'm REALLY not thankful that their numbers have increased, the obstructionists I mean. I'm not thankful that a Grand Jury seems on the verge of exonerating a police officer from killing an UN armed young man! I'm not thankful for stores that will be open on Thanksgiving, and telling their employees that if they spend time with their families instead they will be fired.....I'm looking at you K-Mart and Wal-Mart!!! I've never shopped Wal-Mart and will never shop there, and NOBODY really shops at K-Mart anymore!!! I'm not thankful for a system that rewards the uber-rich, while vilifying the have-nots...labeling them takers and such. I'm not thankful for people who claim to be "Christians" that are some of the most horrible people on earth!!! I'm also not thankful for PSEUDO moral outrage over marriage equality, especially when a total scumbag like Charles Manson can get married and a loving, committed gay couple can't!!! I'm not thankful for science deniers, who make us look stupid on the world stage and not to mention harm the planet irreparably!!! I could go on but I'll stop. I am however thankful for our armed forces, past and present. And finally I am thankful for our President Barack H. Obama, who hasn't lost faith in doing his job in spite of overwhelming and indescribable opposition! He may not be perfect, far from it...but I am thankful for him still!!! Go celebrate time with your families this week (unless you work at one of those BULLSHIT stores)!!! Jerri Allen "LiBeRaL fReAk"