Sunday, September 6, 2015

Freedom of religion MY ASS!!!!!

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." What that means to me is that everyone has the right to practice their CHOSEN religion, even if that mean no religion at all. What that also means to me is that government is not to respect any ONE religion over the other, religion has no place in ANY governmental decisions. I hear a lot of talk about Kentucky clerk Kim Davis and her religious rights, lets get one thing clear. When you take a government job YOU NEED TO LEAVE YOUR RELIGION AT THE DOOR before you go to work. If you don't then you let you religion cloud your workplace decisions and the ability to do your job. Which is EXACTLY what is happening in Kentucky!!!! This country was founded on religious liberty and people escaping religious persecution. Kim Davis is NOT being persecuted for her beliefs!!! She is using her beliefs to persecute other people!!!!! By telling people she cannot grant them a marriage license because of HER beliefs, she is persecuting them!!!!! She is forcing HER beliefs on them, and denying them a constitutional right!!! People like Kim Davis are flat out WRONG!!!! Christians like these people are why I stopped going to church in the first place! But then again I'm sure Kim believes that letting two men marry violates the sanctity or her FOURTH marriage!!!! Jerri Allen aka "LiBeRaL fReAk"

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