Sunday, November 30, 2014 own personal aftermath.

You know, when you have a dying relative who has been sick for a long time? You know they are going to die so you think you are prepared? But them when their death happens you still have a feeling of great loss and helplessness? Thant's kind of how I felt when the Grand (in name only) Jury decided not to indict Officer Darrin Wilson. We all knew this would come, and the rioting that followed should be NO surprise considering how that fire was stoked for days. Yet I still feel that sense of hopelessness, like I did watching the LA Riots in 1992. For one thing, it's obvious that we haven't learned a damn thing since then. It's obvious that a black male is STILL perceived as a threat, and it's also obvious why young black men in particular still view police as a threat rather than a protector. Personally I had to delete a very big number of friends from my Facebook page for posting inaccurate or just plain ignorant statements about the decision. And to those people who used that Grand Jury report as their so called proof, remember that this is the same Grand Jury who were initially handed wrong information about the law and the use of force by police officers. Or that one juror's (juror 10) opinion was valued more than any other mostly because he agreed with Officer Wilson's account. Event though that juror had no real idea how far away he was from the scene, since his account varied. I won't even get into the idiotic comments by former NYC Mayor "Rotten Rudy" or dumbass congressman Peter King (R-NY). In the days after Ferguson a young black man or should I say child considering he was ONLY 12 was shot dead by Cleveland police, while being in possession of a pellet gun. What will that investigation turn up? I'm not optimistic, and I'm sure lots of others aren't either!!!! Jerri Allen "LiBeRaL fReAk"

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