Sunday, November 16, 2014

PBO growing a set????

I have to warn you in advance, this blog is going to be a little shorter and more simplistic than usual. That being said, not a lot has been positive since the mid term elections. But President Obama is moving ahead with his agenda for America as much as he can. By taking executive action as much as he possibly can he is signaling (to me anyway) that he is just tired of all the Republican Teabagging BULLSHIT!!! While his executive actions on immigration are very far from what is needed, he's doing what he was elected to do TWICE!!!!! The thought of the GOP threatening a lawsuit AGAIN is laughable. Basically they are saying "HOW DARE YO DO YOUR JOB!!!! WE'RE GOING TO FIGHT TO THE DEATH TO NOT DO OUR JOBS!!!!' The worst Congress ever isn't going to get better anytime soon. But at least the next 2 years might not be as bad. John Boner is warning the President not to "play with matches." REALLY, the Speaker of the WORST (and least productive) House of Representatives ever is threatening the POTUS for doing his job??? Talk about playing with matches huh???? Do US a favor Boner, don't let your mouth write a check that your orange ass can't cash!!!! As for the Keystone XL pipeline, President Obama CORRECTLY pointed out that this project will have little effect on our oil/gas consumption. The rest of the world benefits from a project that trashes our land and endangers our health for what??? 35 permanent jobs??? No thanks, just open a new big box store and you'll get more that way!!!! Republicans LOVE to use this in a political football, facts be damned!!!! President Obama has seemed to find his gonads...good...KEEP IT UP MR. PRESIDENT!!!!! Jerri Allen "LiBeRaL fReAk"

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