Sunday, November 9, 2014


Wow after Tuesday night's drubbing at the hands of the RepubliCAN'Ts. One thing has come to mind as well as a few others.

Why did Democrats run so fast away from President Obama? The same President Obama that has seen unemployment fall to 5.9% midway through his second term? The same President Obama who helped orchestrate the mission to kill the most notorious terrorist in our history? The same President Obama that has seen millions of more Americans get healthcare coverage? The same President that has achieved a great deal in 6 years, in spite of unprecedented opposition? I could go on....

Democrats were afraid to run on the accomplishments of the Obama presidency. I mean Alison Grimes practically hurt herself running away so fast from President Obama, and all of the rest literally seemed ashamed to be in the same party as President Obama. The only NEW Democratic Senate candidate that won last Tuesday was Gary Peters (D-MI) who successfully held outgoing Carl Levin's in Democratic hands, and for the record, Senator-elect Peters did NOT run away from President Obama....HE CAMPAIGNED WITH HIM!!!!!

So why did all this happen? Forgive me up front, because I know this isn't exactly a new thought. But Democrats have allowed the party of NO and their minions to control the narrative. The GOP has shouted at the top of its lungs why President Obama is the anti-Christ,  and his agenda is somehow some Satanic plot. And the Democrats let them do it!!!!! Not Once did I hear ANY Democrat say, in the face of all the B.S. from the right "WAIT JUST A DAMN MINUTE!! YOU'RE WRONG AND HERE'S WHY YOU'RE WRONG!!!"

If Democrats united around this thought and shouted it back, I don't think we'd have the types of mid term disasters we've had the past 2 mid terms!!! WOULD IT HAVE KILLED THE DEMOCRATS TO MAKE THAT STAND????? What they would have lost more????? TAKE A STAND...DON'T BE AFRAID!!!! We'll ALL be better off in the long run!!!!

an image from "The Witty Liberal" page on Facebook

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