Sunday, December 21, 2014

Happy Holidays

Seems like a boring title huh? Not to me, considering a lot of my friends on social media seem to have an absolute fit if somebody uses those words! I can't tell you how many posts I have seen with wording such as "IT'S MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ME...LIKE AND SHARE IF YOU AGREE!" It's like they've all been possessed by the Faux News "War on Christmas" Jedi mind trick or something. It cracks me up that people are so indignant about it as well, like if you don't call it Christmas you are a bad person or something. As we all know every year, without fail, Faux News gins up this phony "War on Christmas." This year we even saw an escalation from pseudo Christians. Christian mega-star Kirk Cameron put out a faith based piece of crap called "Saving Christmas" Got news for ya Kirky, and all you dipshits like him. Christmas is not going anywhere!!!! Do they all seriously believe this crap or are they just trying to score points with their creator??? Kind of isn't fair that we can't see "The Interview" but Kirk Cameron's festering pile of shit is available to the whole world!!!! But I thought about all this, and to me it's VERY insulting to non-Christians. Basically Christians are saying "If you don't celebrate and conform to OUR faith you are a bad person, and we don't really care about non-Christians and their opinions. To me saying "Happy Holidays" is trying to respect people of ALL faiths (or none at all), including Christians!!!! Because after all, not every group celebrates the same holiday this time of year, no matter how much pseudo-Christians wanna ram things down our throat! Call it what you want and celebrate it how you want...even if you don't celebrate at all!!!! Jerri Allen "LiBeRaL fReAk"

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