Sunday, January 11, 2015

Religion and lack thereof....

Hey there, took some time off, but am back now for more!!! I have been over the past few days trying to process the attacks on the office of "Charlie Hedbo," Bill Maher, and religion in general. Let me say that I despise religious extremism on ALL fronts, suicide bombings, plane hijackings, abortion clinic vandalism and harassment, the list goes on.... I HATE it all!!!! Christopher Hitchens said in his book GOD IS NOT GREAT, that religion poisons was even in the title! Bill Maher has recently said ALL religion is "stupid and dangerous." While I don't go FULL Maher on this, I do agree with the sentiment about religion. GOP lawmakers, and some Dems, oppose certain things because of their religious beliefs (abortion, marriage equality, science). Similarly, terrorist activities are being carried out in the name of twisted interpretations of faith. Back when I was young when I heard that somebody was a Christian, I thought they were basically a nice person who didn't swear, and listened to shitty music. and watched dumb TV shows. Now saying that brings up a whole different reaction, it makes me think of someone who is homophobic, judgmental, and just generally not very nice at all!!!! Religion can be an ok thing but these people have clearly, lost their way in that regard. Same with people of the Middle Eastern faiths, basically decent people who don't wish harm on anyone. Like Christians, their faith is most often represented by extremist, ignorant assholes!!! This all has led me to the conclusion to take a break from all religion for the time being. Nobody's faith is more important than any other's, we need to get back to that before I will step back into any house of worship. You NEVER see any acts of terror by atheists!!!!! And my personal message to those MORONS who carried out and support the attacks in France, if your faith is threatened that much by satirists then your faith is pretty worthless!!!! JERRI ALLEN aka "LiBeRaL fReAk"