Sunday, February 8, 2015

Stream of.....

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, just haven't been feeling it lately. So, I just felt like posting a random thoughts goes.... If Scott Walker is the best the GOP has to offer right now, then the future looks very bright for Democrats! He most likely wouldn't even carry his own state!!!! Love how President Obama is handling most things....setting the agenda and forcing the GOP to oppose programs that favor everyday people, yeah I think that majority in the Senate will be short lived!!! Loretta Lynch, highly qualified.....but I'm not a fan!!! Why does John McCain ALWAYS want to go to war at the drop of a hat? And don't even get me started about his puppy Lindsey Graham!!!! Vaccination is an issue now? Really??? Thanks a lot to Faux News and idiots like Michele Bachmann and Jenny McCarthy!!! Sarah Palin and Donald Trump are MORONS!!!!! Just in case you forgot! Brian Williams lying about being shot down is incredibly stupid, it minimizes what people who have actually gone through being shot down. That being said, all this outrage is a little much, I mean Faux News has been lying about things for years and look at them!!! Normalizing relations with Cuba makes sense...NOW BRING ON THE CIGARS!!!! Not a fan of the TPP...NAFTA on steroids!!!! Keystone XL sucks!!!!! and finally... ISIS CAN FUCK OFF AND DIE!!!!! Jerri Allen "LiBeRaL fReAk"