Friday, December 30, 2011

Predictions for 2012

Ok, first let me say I believe the Senate will be a toss up in 2012, I could see the Dems keeping the Senate but by only a seat or two. Nebraska looks to red with the retirement of Ben Nelson (GOOD RIDDANCE!!!!), and Massachusetts could return Ted Kennedy's old seat to a real middle class fighter Elizabeth Warren, I could even see former Virginia Guv Tim Kaine winning that state's seat....George Allen????...REALLY??? Nevada promises to be tight and in my homestate of Michigan Debbie Stabenow should easily win re-election, running against former GOP congressman Pete "we found the WMD's" Hoekstra.

The House will go Democratic once again and Nancy Pelosi will be returned to her speakership, so we can once again have a House Speaker that actually is effective. Boehner don't let the door hit your orange ass on the way out!!!!!

And Finally the Presidential race....
I predict President Barack Obama will win re-election, he won't win as big as he did before....BUT HE WILL WIN!!!! None of the GOP candidates look to be that strong, even their supposed front runner Willard M. Romney...Who has all the personality of a 30 watt lightbulb!!!! Well that's it for now, see you all in 2012!!!

Jerri Allen aka "LiBeRaL fReAk"

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

That's right right I said Christmas, don't want any of those stupid right-wingers accusing me of having a (fictional) war on Christmas. Isn't it funny though, they (the right) complain about idiotic things like that...then they complain that Pres. Obama went Christmas shopping....with his dog!!! I heard one righty talking head actually wonder aloud about what kind of store lets you bring your dog? It's called "Pet Smart" jackass!!!! Millions of Americans bring their animals to "Pet Smart" everyday, way to do your homework there skippy!!!! That's as stupid as the people who think the existence of snow disproves climate change, um no but last week in the middle of Deecember it was 55 degrees here in Michigan....I think that PROVES it!!!! Or Pat Robertson talking about anti-Christian bigotry, meanwhile demonstrating blatant anti-Muslim bigotry in his example. And just for the record I DO profess to be a Christian, but I'm an ELCA Lutheran, we drink, swear, and treat gay people as if they were real human beings!!!! The Right wants to have it's cake and eat it too, all the time. Like this past week, they tried to dance around extending the payroll tax cut and still claim they were for tax cuts. As we saw they got called on it for the hypocrites that they you guys are ONLY against increasing taxes on the faux "job creators"???? Boehner always cries about "The American People" don't want a tax increas yet he and his tea bagger caucus were about to give us one!!! Ehhh what does it matter, next year Nancy Pelosi will once again be speaker!!!! My next blog, my special year end blog will be my 2012 predictions. It will happen next week sometime....not sure when but before the end of the year. Till then Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, and Merry Festivus, Chrimbus, and whatever else I forgot!!!
Jerri Allen aka "LiBeRaL fReAk"