Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Why I am supporting OBAMA!!!!

Now I did plan on writing this before the SOTU addy, but that just highlights my point!!! I recently saw a "friend" of mine on Facebook post a picture of President Obama supposedly not holding his hand to his heart in front of the flag while others did. Providing absolutely NO CONTEXT for the photo, just saying "is this who we want to be our president?" My answer emphatically...YES!!!!!!! Let me state up front, I don't always like President Obama's decisions, but I realize he is up against a congress that would oppose him on ANYTHING!!!! If he came out against drowning puppies the GOP would be against him!!! I am supporting him for these reasons he is promoting "Green" energy, he believes the rich should pay their fair share in taxes, he is pro-union worker, etc.

Ronald Reagan once asked "are you better off now than you were four years ago?" My answer to that is another emphatic YES!!!!!!! Since President Obama took office I have MORE money in my paycheck, and I get MORE back in the form of a tax refund!!!! No I am by no means a white collar worker, I work 40 hours a week, and work for all I have. But when the average blue collar worker like me gets more money, what does he do with it? HE SPENDS IT!!!!!!!!!!! The more people like me who get more money, the more we are going to spend ANDDDDDDD....the more we will stimulate the economy....DUHHHHH!!! Not to mention I just plain like President Obama as a person, he is a real, feeling human being who wishes he could help every person in need. 22 months of private sector job growth doesn't hurt either.

So in 2012 I have President Barack Obama's back!!!!

Jerri Allen aka "LiBeRaL fReAk"

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