Sunday, June 12, 2011

Anthony Weiner

Ok...I have been on the fence with this one, but leaning a certain way. Now I can come right out and say it...Anthony Weiner should NOT resign from office!!!!!! I also want to scold Democrats who call for his resignation, we all know why they do score cheap political points. But come on, Republicans gave David "DC Madam" Vitter a rousing ovation when he returned to the Senate. And, Oh Yeah...HE ACTUALLY BROKE THE LAW!!!!!! Aside from cheating on his wife, which Anthony Weiner did not do either. Now let me make this clear...I do NOT defend what Anthony Weiner did, I think it is indefensible and creepy. But he did not commit adultery, he did not break the law. The worst thing he did was lie about the situation in the first place. The main person that is owed an explanation STILL is Anthony Weiner's lovely wife. For crying out loud Marist did a poll and found out that 56% of the people in Anthony Weiner's district don't want him to resign. So everybody and do mean EVERYBODY, needs to stop with the hypocrisy and mock moral outrage. We have better things to worry about these days like jobs,  the debt ceiling, and awful GOP governors usurping people's rights. Shame on the Democrats who want Weiner to resign...especially Sherrod Brown of Ohio, and Pat Leahy of Vermont....I expect more out of you guys than cheap political grandstanding. Now let's knock it off people...SERIOUSLY!!!!!!
Jerri Allen aka "LiBeRaL fReAk"

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