Sunday, June 5, 2011

Republicans...callous or clueless???

One thing I have often wondered, do republicans really hate the middle class or do they honestly think that their policies do NOT hurt them? Do they really still believe trickle down economics works, eventhough it never has? I only say this because you always hear republicans bitching about Democrats raising taxes. Even when President Obama said that individuals who made $250,000 or less would get a tax cut. Even now that taxes are lower now than in the Reagan era, according to the CBO. Why do they always seem to want to balance budgets on the backs of the working people in this country? Giving big corporations tax breaks while cutting programs like Head Start, Pell Grants...not to mention what they want to do to Social Security and Medicare. Do republicans really hate the middle class? Or are they just clueless to what working people have to go through just to survive sometimes? Why do they insist they are for job creation, yet the current republican congress has yet to introduce a jobs bill? I guess I hope that they are just clueless, because then there is some hope that maybe, someday we can convince them that what they are doing is wrong and it hurts alot of people. It makes me sad to think that people elected to serve the people truly hate a majority of the people they serve. But when they insist that Democrats are wanting to raise taxes on the rich, they treat it like Democrats want to raise taxes on everyone. Please I would just like to know....

Are Republicans callous or just clueless????

Jerri Allen aka "LiBeRaL fReAk"

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