Sunday, May 29, 2011

Gay Marriage.

In advance alot of my opinions on the issue of gay marriage were already voiced by Keith Olbermann in his brilliant "Special Comment" he did a while back, but here goes anyway. Why should it matter to straight people if gay people want the same right to marry???? They think it somehow de-values their marriage if gay people have the right to get married? I really don't undersatnd this one at all, gay americans want the same thing as us straight americans do, the cahnce to be with someone they love till death do them part. Self righteous right wing social conservatives want to say that marriage should ONLY be between a man and a woman, and a same sex marriage is an offense to god or something. But look at the divorce rate, and granted I don't have any data at the moment, but from my own experience people get married and divorced at the drop of a hat. Gay people want the right to get married to show the world that they love this one person and want to be with them for the rest of their lives, risking scorn and public ridicule. Now THAT sounds like real committment to can THAT be an abomination to god???
-Jerri Allen aka "LiBeRaL fReAk"

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