Saturday, January 19, 2013


GUN CONTROL- One of the most hotly debated topics in the news recently. Let me say that I believe that EVERY decent law abiding, mentally stable person should be allowed to own a gun. That being said, I see absolutely no problem with expanding background checks to buy a gun, and I TOTALLY favor eliminating extended magazine ammo clips AND the gun show loophole. You have to have a license to drive a car, you have to practically get naked at the airport these days, you should go through comparable scrutiny to buy and own a gun. And for the record, President Obama CANNOT take anybody's guns away PERIOD!!!!! The US Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment guarantees a citizen's right to carry a gun. I also favor STRONGLY getting rid of ANY type of military style assault weapon, they have NO purpose in any decent societal situation..NONE!!! I do not personally own a gun, but I have many friends who do, and I also have many friends and acquaintances who are hunters....I live in Michigan....DUHHHHHHHHHH! In short I support ANYTHING that will make gun ownership in the USA safer for EVERYBODY!!!!!

GAY MARRIAGE- First off let me say this, I am not gay, and I don't have any really close friends who are. I do have several social acquaintances who are, just stating fact. I do, however, support the right of ANY person to marry the person they truly they straight or gay!!!! A while back when Prop 8 in CA was being debated in CA, then MSNBC host Keith Olbermann made the point better than anybody for gay marriage, I can't recite everything Keith said, but do yourself a favor and YouTube's amazing!!! Being a straight, divorced, single male I am always on the lookout for the future Mrs. Jerri Allen. I certainly would not want someone telling me "YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO MARRY THE PERSON YOU LOVE!!!!" Religious and moral arguments be damned!!!! But here's a moral argument FOR....with the straight divorce rate such as it is why would you deny two people the right to get married who have been together for a while and truly love eachother, and have made a committment to one another. Gay people who want to marry have put tremendous amounts of thought into their unions, why would they fight so hard for that right? If my marriage had THAT much thought put into it I probably never would have gotten divorced, because I never would have married that person. Everyone deserves true love, and EVERYONE deserves the right to marry who they love!!!!

ABORTION- Let me say this, I am against abortions happening. I am also against restrictions when it comes to contraceptives!!!!! Abortion should ALWAYS be safe, legal, and rare!!!! I believe ANY attempt at preventing un wanted pregnancy should be available!!!!! End of story, I'm a man....ONLY women should make the decisions for their own bodies...not some pasty old guys in Washington!!!!

PRESIDENT OBAMA- I voted for President Barack Obama...BOTH TIMES!!!! I support the President and I believe he has the best interests of the country in mind. I also believe he is a truly compassionate man who cares deeply for everyone, even people who disagree with him. Do I agree with him all the time...NO! But I agree with him ALOT more than I disagree with him....I support my President!!!!

REPUBLICANS- Believe it or not I do not hate Republicans, hatred is a useless emotion wasted on any other human being. I CAN be friends with people who have opposite viewpoints, I do have Republican friends, I know where they stand...they know where I stand. And at the end of the day they are still friends. That being said, people have ALOT to learn about RESPECTFUL disagreement, I don't view anybody a bad person for having a different viewpoint!!!! An nobody else should either!!!!

This is what I believe, you can RESPECTFULLY disagree with me!!!!

Jerri Allen

aka "LiBeRaL fReAk"

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