Sunday, November 30, 2014 own personal aftermath.

You know, when you have a dying relative who has been sick for a long time? You know they are going to die so you think you are prepared? But them when their death happens you still have a feeling of great loss and helplessness? Thant's kind of how I felt when the Grand (in name only) Jury decided not to indict Officer Darrin Wilson. We all knew this would come, and the rioting that followed should be NO surprise considering how that fire was stoked for days. Yet I still feel that sense of hopelessness, like I did watching the LA Riots in 1992. For one thing, it's obvious that we haven't learned a damn thing since then. It's obvious that a black male is STILL perceived as a threat, and it's also obvious why young black men in particular still view police as a threat rather than a protector. Personally I had to delete a very big number of friends from my Facebook page for posting inaccurate or just plain ignorant statements about the decision. And to those people who used that Grand Jury report as their so called proof, remember that this is the same Grand Jury who were initially handed wrong information about the law and the use of force by police officers. Or that one juror's (juror 10) opinion was valued more than any other mostly because he agreed with Officer Wilson's account. Event though that juror had no real idea how far away he was from the scene, since his account varied. I won't even get into the idiotic comments by former NYC Mayor "Rotten Rudy" or dumbass congressman Peter King (R-NY). In the days after Ferguson a young black man or should I say child considering he was ONLY 12 was shot dead by Cleveland police, while being in possession of a pellet gun. What will that investigation turn up? I'm not optimistic, and I'm sure lots of others aren't either!!!! Jerri Allen "LiBeRaL fReAk"

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Thankful for what?

Sorry if what I'm about to say may seem a bit cynical. Thanksgiving is this week, a holiday thatis origins are highly suspect...but it does meet my holidays standard in one respect, I don't have to work! That being said, I started to think of what I am thankful for....not too much. I'm not thankful for our system of government right now, which doesn't seem to be in the business of problem solving but rather just stopping our DULY elected President from doing his job in whatever way he tries to do. And to piggyback that, I'm REALLY not thankful that their numbers have increased, the obstructionists I mean. I'm not thankful that a Grand Jury seems on the verge of exonerating a police officer from killing an UN armed young man! I'm not thankful for stores that will be open on Thanksgiving, and telling their employees that if they spend time with their families instead they will be fired.....I'm looking at you K-Mart and Wal-Mart!!! I've never shopped Wal-Mart and will never shop there, and NOBODY really shops at K-Mart anymore!!! I'm not thankful for a system that rewards the uber-rich, while vilifying the have-nots...labeling them takers and such. I'm not thankful for people who claim to be "Christians" that are some of the most horrible people on earth!!! I'm also not thankful for PSEUDO moral outrage over marriage equality, especially when a total scumbag like Charles Manson can get married and a loving, committed gay couple can't!!! I'm not thankful for science deniers, who make us look stupid on the world stage and not to mention harm the planet irreparably!!! I could go on but I'll stop. I am however thankful for our armed forces, past and present. And finally I am thankful for our President Barack H. Obama, who hasn't lost faith in doing his job in spite of overwhelming and indescribable opposition! He may not be perfect, far from it...but I am thankful for him still!!! Go celebrate time with your families this week (unless you work at one of those BULLSHIT stores)!!! Jerri Allen "LiBeRaL fReAk"

Sunday, November 16, 2014

PBO growing a set????

I have to warn you in advance, this blog is going to be a little shorter and more simplistic than usual. That being said, not a lot has been positive since the mid term elections. But President Obama is moving ahead with his agenda for America as much as he can. By taking executive action as much as he possibly can he is signaling (to me anyway) that he is just tired of all the Republican Teabagging BULLSHIT!!! While his executive actions on immigration are very far from what is needed, he's doing what he was elected to do TWICE!!!!! The thought of the GOP threatening a lawsuit AGAIN is laughable. Basically they are saying "HOW DARE YO DO YOUR JOB!!!! WE'RE GOING TO FIGHT TO THE DEATH TO NOT DO OUR JOBS!!!!' The worst Congress ever isn't going to get better anytime soon. But at least the next 2 years might not be as bad. John Boner is warning the President not to "play with matches." REALLY, the Speaker of the WORST (and least productive) House of Representatives ever is threatening the POTUS for doing his job??? Talk about playing with matches huh???? Do US a favor Boner, don't let your mouth write a check that your orange ass can't cash!!!! As for the Keystone XL pipeline, President Obama CORRECTLY pointed out that this project will have little effect on our oil/gas consumption. The rest of the world benefits from a project that trashes our land and endangers our health for what??? 35 permanent jobs??? No thanks, just open a new big box store and you'll get more that way!!!! Republicans LOVE to use this in a political football, facts be damned!!!! President Obama has seemed to find his gonads...good...KEEP IT UP MR. PRESIDENT!!!!! Jerri Allen "LiBeRaL fReAk"

Sunday, November 9, 2014


Wow after Tuesday night's drubbing at the hands of the RepubliCAN'Ts. One thing has come to mind as well as a few others.

Why did Democrats run so fast away from President Obama? The same President Obama that has seen unemployment fall to 5.9% midway through his second term? The same President Obama who helped orchestrate the mission to kill the most notorious terrorist in our history? The same President Obama that has seen millions of more Americans get healthcare coverage? The same President that has achieved a great deal in 6 years, in spite of unprecedented opposition? I could go on....

Democrats were afraid to run on the accomplishments of the Obama presidency. I mean Alison Grimes practically hurt herself running away so fast from President Obama, and all of the rest literally seemed ashamed to be in the same party as President Obama. The only NEW Democratic Senate candidate that won last Tuesday was Gary Peters (D-MI) who successfully held outgoing Carl Levin's in Democratic hands, and for the record, Senator-elect Peters did NOT run away from President Obama....HE CAMPAIGNED WITH HIM!!!!!

So why did all this happen? Forgive me up front, because I know this isn't exactly a new thought. But Democrats have allowed the party of NO and their minions to control the narrative. The GOP has shouted at the top of its lungs why President Obama is the anti-Christ,  and his agenda is somehow some Satanic plot. And the Democrats let them do it!!!!! Not Once did I hear ANY Democrat say, in the face of all the B.S. from the right "WAIT JUST A DAMN MINUTE!! YOU'RE WRONG AND HERE'S WHY YOU'RE WRONG!!!"

If Democrats united around this thought and shouted it back, I don't think we'd have the types of mid term disasters we've had the past 2 mid terms!!! WOULD IT HAVE KILLED THE DEMOCRATS TO MAKE THAT STAND????? What they would have lost more????? TAKE A STAND...DON'T BE AFRAID!!!! We'll ALL be better off in the long run!!!!

an image from "The Witty Liberal" page on Facebook

Sunday, November 2, 2014


Sorry It's been a while since I posted a blog. But with today's New York Times painting a grim picture for Democrats on Tuesday I felt compelled to revive my stagnant blog. I would like to make a prediction about the election.....or should I say the election aftermath.

On Wednesday November 5th, the day will still begin. Congress will STILL be dysfunctional, and they will  STILL continue to keep President Obama from doing the job the American people elected him to do TWICE! I am sure of this!!!!

I am not sure what will happen Tuesday night, Republicans seem sure that they will take control of the Senate. But even if they do what happens???? IF they have a majority they will not get anything through, because President Obama will veto all their attempts to undermine his authority and good works. The GOP house and Senate will reject  his EVERY attempt at compromise, sound familiar?

I hope against hope that Democrats keep control of the Senate, but even if they don't what changes? The sun still comes up  on Nov. 5th, and Congress will STILL be dysfunctional!

"LiBeRaL fReAk"