Friday, December 30, 2011

Predictions for 2012

Ok, first let me say I believe the Senate will be a toss up in 2012, I could see the Dems keeping the Senate but by only a seat or two. Nebraska looks to red with the retirement of Ben Nelson (GOOD RIDDANCE!!!!), and Massachusetts could return Ted Kennedy's old seat to a real middle class fighter Elizabeth Warren, I could even see former Virginia Guv Tim Kaine winning that state's seat....George Allen????...REALLY??? Nevada promises to be tight and in my homestate of Michigan Debbie Stabenow should easily win re-election, running against former GOP congressman Pete "we found the WMD's" Hoekstra.

The House will go Democratic once again and Nancy Pelosi will be returned to her speakership, so we can once again have a House Speaker that actually is effective. Boehner don't let the door hit your orange ass on the way out!!!!!

And Finally the Presidential race....
I predict President Barack Obama will win re-election, he won't win as big as he did before....BUT HE WILL WIN!!!! None of the GOP candidates look to be that strong, even their supposed front runner Willard M. Romney...Who has all the personality of a 30 watt lightbulb!!!! Well that's it for now, see you all in 2012!!!

Jerri Allen aka "LiBeRaL fReAk"

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

That's right right I said Christmas, don't want any of those stupid right-wingers accusing me of having a (fictional) war on Christmas. Isn't it funny though, they (the right) complain about idiotic things like that...then they complain that Pres. Obama went Christmas shopping....with his dog!!! I heard one righty talking head actually wonder aloud about what kind of store lets you bring your dog? It's called "Pet Smart" jackass!!!! Millions of Americans bring their animals to "Pet Smart" everyday, way to do your homework there skippy!!!! That's as stupid as the people who think the existence of snow disproves climate change, um no but last week in the middle of Deecember it was 55 degrees here in Michigan....I think that PROVES it!!!! Or Pat Robertson talking about anti-Christian bigotry, meanwhile demonstrating blatant anti-Muslim bigotry in his example. And just for the record I DO profess to be a Christian, but I'm an ELCA Lutheran, we drink, swear, and treat gay people as if they were real human beings!!!! The Right wants to have it's cake and eat it too, all the time. Like this past week, they tried to dance around extending the payroll tax cut and still claim they were for tax cuts. As we saw they got called on it for the hypocrites that they you guys are ONLY against increasing taxes on the faux "job creators"???? Boehner always cries about "The American People" don't want a tax increas yet he and his tea bagger caucus were about to give us one!!! Ehhh what does it matter, next year Nancy Pelosi will once again be speaker!!!! My next blog, my special year end blog will be my 2012 predictions. It will happen next week sometime....not sure when but before the end of the year. Till then Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, and Merry Festivus, Chrimbus, and whatever else I forgot!!!
Jerri Allen aka "LiBeRaL fReAk"

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Handicapping the Repubs for 2012

MITT ROMNEY: Largely viewed as the GOP front runner, the former Massachusetts guv has many flaws. He was pro-choice before he was pro life, not to mention his healthcare plan was a template for President Obama's plan. Now Mitt is trying to run away from it claiming he would repeal "Obamacare" as he calls it. Obama should have no problem if he is the GOP nominee.

TIM PAWLENTY: The former Minnesota guv has alot of the same problems as Mitt...flip flops. Timmy was for cap and trade before he was against it, he was for some gay rights before he was against all gay rights. Not to mention he left the state of Minnesota in a GIANT financial hole, plus he has demonstrated he can't hit the knockout punch in debates. Obama would pound him in the general.

MICHELE BACHMANN: Where do I begin???? The Minnesota congresswoman gives new meaning to the term homophobia. VERY Anti-Gay rights of any kind, probably doesn't think they deserve the right to breathe even. The clinic run by her and her husband practices "reapairative therapy," which claims to "CURE" gay people. Her husband has also referred to gay people as "barbarians." She doesn't understand fiscal policy saying she would not vote to raise the debt ceiling, she doesn' understand the difference between Jon Adams and Jon Quincy Adams, doesn't understand where Lexington and Concord are, the list goes on. Believes that people within the government are "UNamerican," and that the healthcare bill is "the crown jewel of socialism," which illustrates she doesn't understand socialism. She also claims to be against earmarks, but is actually only against them if they don't benefit her. She is clearly playing to an ultra right wing base, it might play well for her in the GOP primary but will kill her in the general. She also claimed black children were better off under slavery. Obama should be so lucky to face her in the general, it would give new meaing to the word landslide.

NEWT GINGRICH: Newt...REALLY???? His staff left within the first week, voters have asked him to drop out. His Tiffany's accounts make him out of touch with the middle class. Not too mention he would not sign a marital fidelity pledge. Newt doesn't have a prayer.

RICK SANTORUM: Speaking of not having a prayer, little ricky also believes that black children were better off under slavery. Emphatically pro-life, and anti-gay rights of any kind. I could go on but why bother??? He was thoroughly beaten by Bob Casey in his last senatorial election in PA, so no doubt if he even made it to the general he would get creamed.

HERMAN CAIN: Running as the "REAL" black man in the race. The former pizza magnate has absolutely no clue about foreign policy or the constitution. NO chance whatsoever!!!!

GARY JOHNSON: The former New Mexico guv promises to legalize marijuana, an idea I agree with which means he doesn't have a chance.

RON PAUL: Oh come on, he's retiring from congress, so I gues one last presidential run is his way of going out in a blaze of glory. No further analysis is required.

JON HUNTSMAN: The former Utah guv is viewed as the most moderate of all the GOP candidates, in spite of saying he would have voted for the Ryan budget. Obama's former ambassador to China said he "respects" the president, which won't play well with tea baggers. Has supported gay civil unions in the past which means he won't get the evangelical vote. If that's not enough Jonathan Alter recenlty said Huntsman is "polling in the asterisks." The least offensive of all the GOP candidates, might have a chance in the general if anybody knew who he was

All in all President Obama should not have a problem with any of these people, he shouldn't even have a problem if Rick Perry or Sarah Palin jumped in. He should win re-election, but in my opinion needs to be more like LBJ and less like Jimmy Carter.

Jerri Allen aka "LiBeRaL fReAk"

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Anthony Weiner

Ok...I have been on the fence with this one, but leaning a certain way. Now I can come right out and say it...Anthony Weiner should NOT resign from office!!!!!! I also want to scold Democrats who call for his resignation, we all know why they do score cheap political points. But come on, Republicans gave David "DC Madam" Vitter a rousing ovation when he returned to the Senate. And, Oh Yeah...HE ACTUALLY BROKE THE LAW!!!!!! Aside from cheating on his wife, which Anthony Weiner did not do either. Now let me make this clear...I do NOT defend what Anthony Weiner did, I think it is indefensible and creepy. But he did not commit adultery, he did not break the law. The worst thing he did was lie about the situation in the first place. The main person that is owed an explanation STILL is Anthony Weiner's lovely wife. For crying out loud Marist did a poll and found out that 56% of the people in Anthony Weiner's district don't want him to resign. So everybody and do mean EVERYBODY, needs to stop with the hypocrisy and mock moral outrage. We have better things to worry about these days like jobs,  the debt ceiling, and awful GOP governors usurping people's rights. Shame on the Democrats who want Weiner to resign...especially Sherrod Brown of Ohio, and Pat Leahy of Vermont....I expect more out of you guys than cheap political grandstanding. Now let's knock it off people...SERIOUSLY!!!!!!
Jerri Allen aka "LiBeRaL fReAk"

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Republicans...callous or clueless???

One thing I have often wondered, do republicans really hate the middle class or do they honestly think that their policies do NOT hurt them? Do they really still believe trickle down economics works, eventhough it never has? I only say this because you always hear republicans bitching about Democrats raising taxes. Even when President Obama said that individuals who made $250,000 or less would get a tax cut. Even now that taxes are lower now than in the Reagan era, according to the CBO. Why do they always seem to want to balance budgets on the backs of the working people in this country? Giving big corporations tax breaks while cutting programs like Head Start, Pell Grants...not to mention what they want to do to Social Security and Medicare. Do republicans really hate the middle class? Or are they just clueless to what working people have to go through just to survive sometimes? Why do they insist they are for job creation, yet the current republican congress has yet to introduce a jobs bill? I guess I hope that they are just clueless, because then there is some hope that maybe, someday we can convince them that what they are doing is wrong and it hurts alot of people. It makes me sad to think that people elected to serve the people truly hate a majority of the people they serve. But when they insist that Democrats are wanting to raise taxes on the rich, they treat it like Democrats want to raise taxes on everyone. Please I would just like to know....

Are Republicans callous or just clueless????

Jerri Allen aka "LiBeRaL fReAk"

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Gay Marriage.

In advance alot of my opinions on the issue of gay marriage were already voiced by Keith Olbermann in his brilliant "Special Comment" he did a while back, but here goes anyway. Why should it matter to straight people if gay people want the same right to marry???? They think it somehow de-values their marriage if gay people have the right to get married? I really don't undersatnd this one at all, gay americans want the same thing as us straight americans do, the cahnce to be with someone they love till death do them part. Self righteous right wing social conservatives want to say that marriage should ONLY be between a man and a woman, and a same sex marriage is an offense to god or something. But look at the divorce rate, and granted I don't have any data at the moment, but from my own experience people get married and divorced at the drop of a hat. Gay people want the right to get married to show the world that they love this one person and want to be with them for the rest of their lives, risking scorn and public ridicule. Now THAT sounds like real committment to can THAT be an abomination to god???
-Jerri Allen aka "LiBeRaL fReAk"

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


So Ed Schultz is the latest MSNBC host to be suspended, following in the footsteps of Joe Scarborough, and former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann. On his nationally syndicated radio show yesterday Ed referred to conservative talker Laura a "right wing slut"....he has since apologized for that remark. While the use of the word slut was not a great thing to do, Ed is someone who gets wound up about things he believes in with a cut him some slack. I never did hear Laura Ingraham apologize to Meghan McCain for making derogatory comments about her weight (BTW I think Meghan is gorgeous). Slut is not a word I would have used personally, although right now the only other term that comes to mind is "Right Wing media whore"....and that really isn't any better. I don't fault Ed for his passion, I just think it was a lapse in judgement on Ed's part....we're all human! My only REAL fault with Ed is that he gave the assclowns of the right wing media machine another excuse for mock outrage at the "Liberal Media!!!!!!!". I just hope that when Ed does come back he does not lose the're a real voice for the middle class and the working people Ed!!!! We love ya and we need ya!!!!
Jerri Allen aka "LiBeRaL fReAk"